We were invited to the inauguration of the plant in Nave (BS), which Presider S.p.A. has just renovated and upgraded, increasing its production capacity with new machinery and state-of-the-art plant engineering. Consistent with the vision of the Feralpi Group, to which the Company belongs, special attention has been paid to environmental, social and governance (ESG) sustainability paradigms. With this in mind, which STREAM shares and has made its own, we have been called upon to contribute by building a 1.1 MW photovoltaic plant on the new roofs, whose energy will serve the plant’s needs, while the surpluses will help reduce the Group’s overall energy needs. Working on this initiative was a great opportunity for us to participate in a broader project: Feralpi’s strategy towards decarbonization. For this we thank the staff of Presider and its CEO Maurizio Fusato, a passionate proponent of sustainability issues and host of the day, and the Group’s renewable energy project manager, Barbara Barneschi, always attentive to the quality of the solutions proposed.