STREAM becomes partner of LE2C (Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster), which represents today Lombardy production system for energy and environment, composed of about a hundred among small, medium and big companies, 15 business association and no profit entities, 9 amid universities and research centers, 5 public administration institutions, 4 bank institutes and 2 press companies. LE2C promotes technological innovation towards an energy and ecology transition through the collaboration between firms, just as the Stream Consortium, which was born to unite more realities thus elevating their potential to participate to energy conversion.

LE2C is the technology cluster for energy and environment officially recognized by the Lombardy Region, for the innovation and competitiveness growth of the Lombardy production system and it operates on 6 competence areas to develop innovative projects and create new business opportunities: smart energy systems, sustainable manufacturing, green building, water-energy nexus, clean air and circular economy.

The main LE2C activity is the promotion of a open innovation culture and the creation of dialogue opportunities between the business world and the world of research and in the next six years the cluster aims to adopt: CO2 reduction, hydrogen development, industrial symbiosis and digitalization.

Furthermore, LE2C carries out an important advocacy activity, particularly towards the Lombardy Region, where it acts to influence regional politics on energy, environment, territory preservation, health impact, and innovation issues and actively takes part to various national and international networks, promoting the participation to European projects for its associates.